Wireless Network Installation & Setup

If you have more than one PC in your house and you are always walking between them with CD/DVD’s and USB Flash drives, then now could be the time to think about networking them together. This will save you the trouble of moving around rooms, wasting CD/DVD’s and your valuable time.

What can I do with my network?

A network allows you the freedom of using every PC and connected device in the house, from one central point. You might have a big laser printer that looks a bit unsightly in your living room but with a wireless network, you can put the printer out of sight with the aid of a wireless print server.

As well as using PCs, you can also use a notebook to connect to a wireless network from anywhere in the house. Depending on your type of wireless network, you can even go into the garden on a summer’s day and work outside!

How are the device’s connected?

When deciding on a network, you need to make one of two decisions, a wired network or a wireless one. If your machines are in the same room then a wired network is the fastest option, a wireless network would be the second option for different room usage. Its also possible to incorporate your printer into the network in both wired or wireless network.

What equipment do I need?

In order to use a recommended wireless network, you will need to have the following items: (all of which you can get from PC Workshop)


  • 2 x PCs/Notebooks
  • 2 x Wireless LAN Connections (these are built into laptops)
  • 1 x Wireless Router to share your Internet connection
  • A Broadband Internet connection (Cable/ADSL)


Optional extras would be:

  • Printers
  • Network Attached Storage (NAS)
  • Games Consoles (XBOX 360, PS3 & Wii)
  • I phone, Blackberry etc.

Is a wireless network safe?

A wireless network is extremely safe and secure, providing you use the security features found on the wireless router. This will ensure that the network can only be accessed by people in your home. We will configure the security feature for you with an encrypted password which you can remember!