PC Workshop has two laptops in today for damaged screen displays from a local company, quite a straightforward job as long as the replacement screens are in stock and they usually are as we carry a good range of sizes and fitments including the older 15.6 LCD’s which nowadays are like hens teeth.
One is a Toshiba which is the easier to replace and the second a DELL which with this particular model will take longer as its set up is not as straight forward as its competitors. Never the less both will be back with the customer by dinner time with a slight discount for “bulk” buying.
Its not always a smashed screen that gives a bad image but in this case it was a pretty obvious state of devastation and no question that the screens were kaput! One had simply been broken by closing the lid when a small item lay on the keyboard, and the other had definitely been dropped.
PC Workshop will replace your screen virtually while you wait as with experience comes the know-how to operate at warp speed 🙂
Give PC Workshop a ring if your having screen issues 01925 713359.